• Apr 26, 2013

SimpleCV had a fantastic week. We had a record number of pull requests thanks to our wonderful and talented Google Summer of Code students. Our prospective students have done a great job of helping us fix bugs and release new features. There is still a week to go before the application deadline. Home highlights of the past couple of weeks include:

All of our prospective students are doing a fantastic job. This summer is going to be awesome.

Awesome Time Lapse Video

User Patrick Benz sent us this great time lapse video of Tuebingen, Germany using SimpleCV. Patrick made the video using IP camera footage streams. The results are fantastic! I liked this video so much I made a quick example script to show users how to automatically create and upload their own videos to you using SimpleCV, FFmpeg, and GoogleCL. I would love for our users create time lapse videos of their home towns and send them in to us.

Here is the source code: https://gist.github.com/kscottz/5489687.js